Ethically Impossible: Study Guide
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This Study Guide is designed to assist those who wish to focus on the ethical significance of the STD experiments conducted by the US Public Health Service in Guatemala. Each section of the guide includes a recitation of relevant facts, excerpts from documents contemporaneous to the experiments, and a set of further readings. This material will assist readers who wish to explore the record in further detail or prepare for a more informed discussion of research in light of this gross violation of ethics.
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Ethically Impossible: Study GuideRelated Resources
Ethically Impossible: Study Guide
Building Trust – What is Informed Consent?
What is a placebo controlled trial? (Spanish)
CDC Features: U.S. Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskegee
Myths about Clinical Research
Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trials – Myths vs. Facts
The Ethics of Consent: Theory and Practice
Becoming a Research Volunteer
Participant's Guide
National Library of Medicine – What is Informed Consent?